19 March 2013

15 reasons why you should have sex today SXT 104

If you have been following our topics closely you should by now be having fun with your partner (or partners lol). Just in case your partner is still forming for you I have the perfect solution. Send her a message through bbm, text, email, fax or DHL sef.  Let the message be plain and simple: 15 healthy reasons why we should make love tonight.

If this method fails, then my friendship (as my chubby colleague would say) it is unfortunate that you are on your own (lool). Shagging is not just for pleasure, it is in fact more beneficial to health than pleasurable. Imagine the following facts as you read, make sure you cram it o!!! so you can recite it from your head tonight (Lool).

 1. Pain relief. We cannot deny that we automatically forget all pain and worries during sex.

 2. Mood elevation Particularly in women, some chemical substances are released at the point of orgasm that make you feel 100% better than you were before sex began.

 3. Intimacy Most married women say their husbands are only emotional when they want something from them.  The closeness sex brings cannot simply be quantified. Ever wondered why Chief has a new young wife he bought a house for in Banana Island? Most men confide in their women only during the few minutes following intercourse and he must have told her he just got a huge contract, lool. Research has shown there is a natural bonding chemical (oxytocin) called "the love hormone" that is released during sex and orgasm, further strengthening the relationship . The hormone also makes one more generous (I know that you are wondering if stingy people shag sef)

4.Great sex= Good sleep

5. Stress reduction, reduced blood pressure.

6. Physical glow Ever noticed that you glow after a good shag especially in the morning?

7. Improved immunity Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called Immunoglobulin A, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. So sex strengthens the immune system, which keeps you healthy.

8. Weight loss; Sex has been said to be a form of exercise

9. Good functioning heart A British study shows that men who have sex two or more times a week are half as likely to have a fatal heart attack than men who have sex less frequently.

10. Better self esteem If the sex is loving, connected, and what you want, it raises your self esteem and if you're already feeling good about yourself, a great sex life may help you feel even better.

11. Reduced risk of prostate cancer Some research has shown that the more the ejaculation, the lower the risk of prostate cancer.  There is also the possibility of a reduced risk of cervical cancer in women of child bearing age although research is still inconclusive about this.

12.Stronger Pelvic Floor Muscles For women, doing pelvic floor muscle exercises called Kegels may mean more pleasure during sex, reduced chance of incontinence (bedwetting or peeing  on self) later in life and generally make you more fit. To do a basic Kegel exercise, tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor (as if you're trying to stop the flow of urine) Count to three, then release.

13. Increases brain power Chemical agents released during sex may increase brain power (research is inconclusive about this though). Thus, memory improves and other brain functions too.

14. Happiness isn't sex itself, but sex does ultimately play a role in human happiness.   You feel fulfilled in a relationship that is rewarding.

15.Fidelity/loyalty Now this is particularly important for women: most sexually satisfied men do not generally seek pleasures outside their home, he looks forward to coming home to you, he spends time with you and he is generous (be careful sha o, because his people would think you have been giving him peppered snails to eat. Lool)

Generally, a sexually satisfied person is easy to know.  I am sure at work, there are one or two bosses who are simply rude and unbearable, they don't make jokes and don't react to other people's jokes. Is it possible they just aren't getting enough or not getting at all? I don't know if I have such colleagues or friends because people generally lighten up around me (am feeling cool with myself... free me jor  hehehe).

Doc Laitan