18 March 2013

Understand Sex, don't just get in and go. SXT 101

I am almost certain you opened this link out of curiosity either because you want to understand the 4 phases of sexual intercourse or you were wondering what this woman is up to. Well, sex therapy is something that I am very well interested in and I am curious as to what people think regarding sex therapy in the country today. I am Psychiatrist with special interest in Sexuality and sexual dysfunctions. Welcome aboard!

During sex, the body undergoes a typical pattern of processes described as a build up and release of tension. These processes are described in 4 phases as excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. We all know that in the excitement stage for guys there is erection of the
penis (bla bla bla! In fact, I think their mind is located down there! lol) . Nipple erection(happens in guys too) and vaginal wetness depicts arousal in most women, although for some reason a woman might be in the mood but be dry (this is how the makers of vaseline make their money).

While women want intimacy, cuddling and reassurance at this stage, guys would do anything to skip the next phase(plateau) and go straight to the orgasmic stage. If not for their ego sef, the're wouldn't be the plateau stage! Lol The plateau phase is actually nothing more than the continuation of the excitement phase. The word "plateau" is meant to indicate that a certain even level of excitement has been reached which is then maintained for a while before orgasm occurs.

Orgasm is the sudden release of muscular and nervous tension at the climax of sexual excitement. The experience represents the most intense physical pleasure of which human beings are capable and is basically the same for males and females. In sexually mature males, orgasm is accompanied by the ejaculation (Latin: throwing out) of semen (but u can't use "ejaculate" in a sentence e.g ejaculate the case for lack of evidence) . Since women do not produce semen, they do not ejaculate. In males, ejaculation may be projected a considerable distance(so don't forget to check your walls in case you have curious toddlers); at other times, it may flow out rather gently.

The force of a particular ejaculation is not related to a man's strength or virility. The amount of semen ejaculated during one orgasm is usually about a teaspoonful (am sure u thought it was more than that). Repeated ejaculations within a short time produce less and less semen. It should be noted, however, that only very few men are capable of multiple orgasms, and usually only while they are young, (women you hear?), multiple orgasms are far more common among women  (yea baby!)

At the Resolution stage, the sex organs (and the whole body) need a relatively short time to return to their former, unexcited state, although many women can experience several orgasms in rapid succession.

For simplicity, I omitted lots of medical and psychological boring details. let us move on to something very interesting about the phases. A man once said he cheats on his wife because she is difficult to please in bed, he said she is cold like a stone and unresponsive but with his mistress, it is the opposite and sex has become a domestic responsibility. His wife on the other hand feels he is self centered and boring. She is already considering infidelity.
What do you think the problem might be? Is this a familiar scenario for anyone you know? I look forward to reading your comments , this would be so much fun!

Doc Laitan